Your Donation Brings Stories to Life

Did you know Word Travels is a not-for-profit cultural organisation? Every donation and ticket purchase goes directly back into our education programs, workshops, poetry slams and storytelling events – allowing us to bring more voices to the stage.


Education program photo credit: Tory Jauncey


 Your support also helps us to mentor and employ local poets. Each year, we incubate close to 50 emerging artists and writers from diverse backgrounds, mentoring them to present workshops, hone their performance skills and host events.

In addition to our 60-heat Australian Poetry slam national tour and our storytelling festival, Story Week, we present close to 130 talks and spoken word poetry workshops annually in more than 40 locations across every state and territory in Australia.

Our poets go into schools, prisons, libraries and regional community centres to share their passion and craft, empowering members of the community to tell their own stories. People in regional, remote and the lowest income areas share incredible stories and we want you to hear them. Our facilitators are trained to bring people and their words to audiences – and we are proud to share that some of our workshop attendees are now internationally established artists performing on stages around the world.

Your support enables us to do this, and we'd like to give you our heartfelt thanks.


Solli Raphael, 2017 Australian Poetry Slam Youth photo credit: Clare Hawley


We are committed to delivering these valuable programs and supporting poets. Furthermore, we want to develop and grow these initiatives because there are voices still unheard. There are places where a spoken word workshop can empower someone to raise their voice and tell their own story and a slam has the potential to bring the community together through the act of speaking, sharing and connecting.

We depend on our supporters to help us play this vital role. We need your help to reach these communities.

Consider making a donation to Word Travels this end of financial year. Every donation, regardless of size, makes a difference. All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

When you donate to Word Travels, you help bring the mic to people who need to be heard.

Thank you for your support. If you would like to find out more or would like to chat about our programs, please feel welcome to contact me directly.

Dai Moret
Development Coordinator


A Day in the Life of a New Slam Poet


Story Week asks you to do BRAVE things